公告- 2024年冬季-尼加拉瓜


近15年来, 布林莫尔's 360° program has challenged students and faculty to take an expansive look at big questions.

公告- 2024年冬季-能源
Energy Afterlives – Isabelle Stid ’26 near the entrance to a salmon hatchery in Sitka, Alaska.


这些都是你可以用来描述布林莫尔雄心勃勃的360°计划的几个词, which brings together faculty and students from different disciplines and majors to participate in a “cluster” of courses all focused on a single theme, 问题, 或者研究问题.


“The 360 Program has the potential to be the greatest intellectual experience that a student will have at 布林莫尔 and probably in their lives,政治学副教授Joel Schlosser说, 谁教过抵抗艺术这门课, 科学, 权力, 和真理, 和来世的能量. (这学期, he’s working with Professor of French and Francophone Studies Rudy Le Menthéour and Associate Professor of Anthropology Casey R. 教授《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》的障碍.)

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Paradigms of Revival – Kimiye Maeshiro ’23 in front of a mural featuring a girl wrapped in traditional pano di terra cloth, 佛得角.

“360度是让学生走向世界的一种非凡方式, 建立社区,阿达利娅·X说. 罗德里格斯24岁,他是尼加拉瓜的一部分:地点和名称在2023年秋季. 由地质学副教授Pedro Marenco和Brook Lillehaugen授课, 特里科语言学系的语言学副教授, the cluster explored “the ongoing interconnectedness between landscape and language” and featured field study in Nicaragua, 这里有19座活火山,山脉将不同的语言群分隔开来. “有时候很难弥合STEM和人文学科之间的差距,罗德里格斯说。, 地质学专业, “但这是一次非常酷的合作, 我享受其中的每一秒.”

Kimiye Maeshiro ’23 speaks passionately about her senior-year experience in the cluster Paradigms of Revival, 深入探讨了殖民主义对黑人的攫取和商品化, 由助理教授兼舞蹈总监莱拉·艾莎·琼斯教授, 教育学助理教授Chanelle Wilson, 以及艺术史副教授和博物馆研究主任Monique Renee Scott.

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Paradigms of Revival – Viewing a video installation from Sir Isaac Julien’s exhibition “Once Again…(Statues Never Die)” at the Barnes Foundation, 费城

“能够不仅仅从专业的角度来学习, 还有不同的领域和知识模式, 非常强大,Maeshiro说, 现在是布林莫尔大学的招生顾问. 同样令她难忘的是去西非佛得角的实地考察. 她说:“这是一次非常直观的学习经历。. “I think higher education sometimes forgets that the things we study are ultimately connected to what it means to be human and to live in this world. And I think the 360s do a really good job at having that human connection be the focal point.” 

将近15年前, 布林莫尔 had been looking at how to engage in interdisciplinary learning in new and thoughtful ways when Professor of Sociology David Karen heard about Dickinson College’s Mosaic Program, 哪些课程让学生设计自己的课程群. ”他想, “好吧, 那很酷, 但是这对学生来说有很多工作要做,’”360项目协调员萨拉·西奥博尔德说.

凯伦和当时的教务长金·卡西迪分享了这个想法, 他组建了一个教师指导委员会,为布林莫尔设计了一个不同的模式, which would rely on faculty members collaborating to design suites of related classes and activities.

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Paradigms of Revival – A guide speaking about his path from university to the tourism industry at the cathedral ruins in Forte Real de São Filipe.

The first cluster offered by the fledgling program (called Kaleidoscope in its early days) debuted in Fall 2010 and spanned a full year with five courses on the topic of Changing Education, 灵感来自布林·莫尔的125周年纪念.

“[Initially] we thought it would be easier for students if they just handed over their whole semester,西奥博尔德说. “我们认识到这是错误的, 因为学生们经常需要上其他的课程, 无论是专业要求还是大学要求.”

Now, most 360 clusters typically consist of three, or occasionally two, classes in a single semester. Students must apply to the program and then enroll in all courses in their chosen cluster and participate in all of its activities. They also must be available for domestic and international field study trips that are a hallmark of the 360 Program and typically taken during fall or spring breaks—with all travel expenses paid by the College.

Participants in 360 also share what they’ve learned with the 布林莫尔 community and beyond. 这可以采取各种形式,如展览、表演或演讲. 除了, 每个集群都有一个指定的学生, 被项目聘用, 谁在社交媒体上分享小组活动的更新. (了解最近的集群 instagram.com/bmc360program.)

简报- 2025年冬季-尼加拉瓜
尼加拉瓜:地名-在奥梅特佩岛与普埃斯塔德尔索尔一起上烹饪课, 这是一个由拉帕洛马社区女性经营的旅游团体.

对于学生来说,整个学期专注于一个主题可能是一种启示. “我喜欢有机会和同样的人上三节课, 以及教授们在内容上的合作,24岁的Nisha Marino说, 谁参加了2023年秋季的《推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜》. “[The 360] was kind of what I was looking for in a liberal arts college—not just the ability to take classes in different departments but also to apply what I’m learning in one discipline to other disciplines. 这就是我喜欢思考事物的方式,把所有不同的学科联系起来.”

Energy Afterlives, which delved into the question, “What comes in the wake of energy extraction?,” was taught by Schlosser alongside Associate Professor of Geology Selby Hearth and Assistant Professor of Russian José Vergara. 行程包括前往宾夕法尼亚州中部的一个采矿小镇以及阿拉斯加.

360项目受到了教师们的欢迎, who have created more than 50 different course clusters since 2010—many of them sparked by the casual intellectual conversations over lunch or coffee that 布林莫尔’s intimate scale fosters. “360项目是教师们测试一些新研究领域的绝佳机会, or a topic for a course that might not necessarily fit into their typical department curriculum,西奥博尔德说, 谁注意到,为360度全景设计的课程也可以作为独立课程来教授. “这很令人兴奋,这也是对教师时间和项目资源的有效利用.”

公报- 2024年冬季-气候变化
Climate Change: 科学 and Politics – Touring the Altstadt (Old City) of Freiburg to learn more about its innovative public transit system.

尽管与其他教授一起设计课程可能会有挑战, 这些努力是值得的, 卡罗尔·海格说, a professor of environmental studies and political science who teaches in the cluster Climate Change: 科学 and Politics, 到目前为止已经提供了四次. “理想情况下, 你需要真正的合作, 但这也是它的乐趣所在——因为我们想要学到一些东西, 太.”

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能量来世-准备进入第一号. 宾夕法尼亚州科尔代尔的煤矿.这是世界上运营时间最长的地下无烟煤矿.

这学期, 海格在欧洲的边缘地区教书, which looks at those left out of mainstream narratives; it will include a packed trip to 柏林, 学生将在哪里与艺术家见面, 积极分子, 以及为难民争取权益的组织, 移民, 以及LGBTQ群体. 她的合作者是德国副教授秦娜·沈和Anita Kurimay, 历史副教授,性别与性研究主任.

海格说:“我们喜欢打破自己领域的界限,进行跨界思考。. “找到一种共同语言并不总是那么容易, 但这很好, 努力工作,我喜欢为学生做榜样.”

公告- 2024年冬季-欧洲边缘
来自边缘的欧洲——沈钦娜教授, 卡罗尔·海格, 和Anita Kurimay与学生在Max und Moritz餐厅享用欢迎晚宴, 柏林, 德国

Hager也很欣赏360项目对体验式学习和旅行的关注.她说:“你不仅仅是在给他们提供体验. “You’re putting them in places where they can get inspired, where they can really catch fire. It’s wonderful to see that—when a student finds something in the world that really moves them. 我认为这是作为一名教师最好的经历.”

心理学教授马克·舒尔茨, another benefit of the 360 Program is that it can be a way “to put students and faculty on more of a level playing field.”舒尔茨, 谁在空间,身份和沉思传统小组中教过课, 他说,当教授们坐在一个班级里旁听其他班级时,这种情况就会发生. “我认为学生们喜欢看老师问他们可能会问的问题.” 

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Energy Afterlives – Isabelle Stid ’26 (back) and Professor Selby Hearth sample acid mine drainage from an abandoned coal mine near Coaldale, Pa.

360的体验式学习组成部分, 比如正念小组,这是沉思传统的一个组成部分, 以及为期10天的日本之旅, 还要让老师和学生并肩工作, 舒尔茨说. 团体不得不应对台风, 行程变更, 丢了护照, 就连手机也掉进了厕所里. 舒尔茨曾经帮助一个恐高的学生爬过一堵墙. “我不得不帮她爬梯子,真的. 我一直在帮助学生做这个比喻. 但我从来没有在课外做过这种事.”

他说,这些经历会建立起深厚的纽带. “The connections I’ve made with the faculty I have taught with have been really important to me, 我认为对学生来说也是如此. 有一群人经历了360度的转变,但仍然是亲密的朋友. 他们聚在一起聚会,给教员写信.”

Joel Schlosser也认为360度旅行是一种建立联系的方式, 但他最看重的是这个项目的核心教育使命. “One of the things that liberal arts colleges do better than any other kind of institution is learning and collaborating across disciplinary boundaries, 你不需要旅行就能做到. 你需要有献身精神并被鼓励去做这件事的教员, 还有那些在课程表上有空余时间的学生.

他补充道:“我们确实需要更多这样的思维方式。. “We need people who aren’t just putting their stakes down in the territory they’re experts on, 但我们愿意互相学习, 互相倾听.”